Sunday 28 May 2017

Sepharial’s Stock & Share Key

Below are the summaries and examples of Sepharial’s Stock & Share Key. The content is expanded and rearranged to make it easier to read. Many examples and diagrams are not included in the original article.

Part I. Basic Terms.

The radix (natal chart) of any company or stock exchange is the noon of the date and place of registration of that Company, whereby, under the laws of the country the promotors are given powers to form the company and proceed with business. For example, below is the natal chart of General Motors on 16 September, 1908 (before its bankruptcy in 2009):

And the following is the chart for NYSE:

The General Significators of any radix refer to the four following points on the natal chart: the Sun, the Moon, the Ascendant, and the Midheaven.

The Prime Significator of any chart is the planet which rules the sign in which the sun is found. For example, in the chart for the New York Stock Exchange, the Sun is in the sign Taurus. This sign is ruled by Venus, and Venus therefore becomes the Prime Significator. The following is a complete list of rulership:

RulerZodiac 1Zodiac 2
Jupiter Sagit Pisces 
Venus Libra Taurus 
Mercury Virgo Gemini 

Using the General Motor example, the Sun was in Virgo when the company was incorporated, and Virgo is ruled by Mercury, so the Prime Significator is Mercury.

The Secondary Significator is the planet which rules the decanate in which the Prime Significator happens to be passing through in the course of its daily motion in the heavens as shown in the emphemeris for the current year. A decanate is a sub-division of 10° in each house:


Using the above example, the Prime Significator is Mercury. On 16 September, 1908, Mercury was at the second decanate of Libra, which was ruled by Saturn. So, Saturn is the Secondary Significator. Please note that this changes as Mercury ventures into another decanate.

Fortuna indicates the position of the moon at the time of local sunrise for any set date. It is measured by longitude, i.e., degrees and minutes of the zodiac. Using the General Motor example, the Moon was at 12 Gemini during Sunrise.

Part II. The Aspects and Transits.

The good aspects are:
  • The trine of 120 degrees,
  • The sextile of 60 degrees,
  • The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, and
  • The parallels of these also. 
The bad aspects are:
  • The opposition of 180 degrees,
  • The square of 90,
  • The sesq of 135, and
  • The semi-square of 45. 
  • Also the conjunctions of Saturn and its parallels.
Uranus, Neptune and mars act variously when in conjunction and are largely under the direction of Primary Indicators current at the time.

Some axioms of aspects:
  1. All planets in good aspect act to enhance values. All planets in bad aspect act to depriciate values. However, Jupiter is the greatest expander, and Saturn the greatest depressor.
  2. boom on the market is produced from a succession of good aspects to the Prime or Secondary Significator. When both are well aspected, the extend is doubled. It is usually terminated by a change of decan, if not sooner by a break of benefic causes.
  3. Converstly, a slump is caused by a succession of bad aspects to the Significator and its Decan Ruler.
  4. All planets in good aspect enhance values according to their several natures, the major planets being more powerful than the minor. Jupiter, Mars and Venus, have the greatest power for good when in good aspect, but Venus has not the same power in transit as in Direction.
Transition Points are formed midway between a good and a bad aspect to the same indicator. Thus if:
  • Venus on the 8th of the month is opposition Jupiter.
  • On the 11th is sextile Saturn.
  • On the 20th it is semi-square Mercury.
  • On the 30th it is semi-square Nepture.
Then we should expect a fair amount of selling or realizing of profits. This would be followed, about the 9th or 10th, by a steadying influence under the approaching sextile of Saturn and Saturn would give a steady upward trend until the 15th-16th, which is the transition point between Saturn and the next aspecting planet Mercury. At this time the market turns and begins to be talked down, and under Venus semi-square Neptune it continues down to the 28th. Here it forms another transition point and proceeds to the sextile of Mercury, which it reaches on August 2nd. These aspects are formed in July 1914. After the 2nd of August the planet venus meets the conjunction with Mars in Virgo on the 5th, and then goes to the square of Saturn, the change of Decan taking place on August 2nd and changing the good influence of Mercury to that of Mars (war). Venus, being then in the last decan of Virgo, ruled by Mercury, we have further indication of Mercury conjunction Neptune at that time, showing a state of chaos. The direction for 122 years 3 months is 120 degrees 29 minutes and it will be seen that if we add this amount to the M. C. of the radix (Taurus 28) we arrive at just this same position in the zodiac, namely Virgo 28, which is occupied by Mars and Venus in square aspect to Saturn in Gemini at that time. So we have good reason for anticipating a considerable stir in the markets of the world and a great depreciation of values.

Part III. The Houses.

In astrology, there are many systems of dividing the houses, but the most used system is the equal house system. The start of the first house is the degree at which the Ascendant is found. For example, in the General Motor chart, the Ascendant was at 10.56° Sagittarius, so it is the start of the First House. Then the next house will be starting from 30° after this, which is 10.56° Capricorn. And then the third house, and so on. The following are the symbolism of the 12 houses:
  1. THE FIRST HOUSE governs the PUBLIC in which is vested all forms of enterprise and development.
  3. THE THIRD HOUSE rules railroads, tramways, omnibuses, traction of all sorts, locomotion, telephone, aircraft, canals, bridges and transports as well as postal service and all means of communication.
  4. THE FOURTH HOUSE rules real estate, land explorations, mines, developments, crops, produce of raw material from the soil.
  5. THE FIFTH HOUSE shows educational matters, art, theatres, cinemas, amusements and schools.
  6. THE SIXTH HOUSE governs foodstuffs, clothing, equipment, outfitting supplies, upholstering, furnishings, building and upfitting.
  7. THE SEVENTH HOUSE rules accountancy, banking, corporations, exchanges, contracts, equity, discounting, surveying, valuations, probate, etc.
  8. THE EIGHTH HOUSE controls waste products, conservancy, dredging, petrol, parafine, benzine, medical accessories, chemicals and nitrates.
  9. THE NINTH HOUSE is connected with insurance, cables, publishing, wireless, radiographs, liners and foreign affairs.
  10. THE TENTH HOUSE rules state affairs, the government and political activity generally.
  11. THE ELEVENTH HOUSE rules the Exchequer, bonds, government loans, electric and gaslight companies.
  12. THE TWELFTH HOUSE rules launderies, breweries, fisheries boot mfgrs, hosiery and COLD STORAGE.

Part IV: Solar Arc Progression

Solar Arc Progression is a technique which predicts the future by displaced planetary positions, using one day as one year. For example, the New York Stock Exchange radix is set for noon on the 17th of May, 1792. At the tragic assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, we find the years from the above date of founding to the date of that event, 14th April, 1865, to be a period of 72 years and 11 months.

It has been found in a great number of tests that the mean motion of the sun is the correct measure to be observed, and the sun requires 365¼ days to complete the circle of 360 degrees we have a mean motion of 59 minutes 8 seconds per day. This at the rate of 59’8” per day (year) is 72 degrees 2 minutes and being added to the radical Midheaven of Taurus 28 we come to the 11th degree of the sign Leo, and the ascendant under this M.C. is the 5th of Scorpio. The ascendant was therefore in opposition to Venus radical. Refering to the ephemeris for 1865 we find that on that very day Neptune, the author of plots and schemes, was in Aries 8:40 and therefore exactly on the place of the Moon radical.

This amount is multiplied by the number of years from the radix or date of registration, and added to the Sun’s place in the radix (the natal Sun), also to the Midheaven, and to the natal Moon. The other planets are in the same way carried forward through the zodiac at the same rate as the Sun, and maintain their radical relations with the Sun thereby, but in the course of their progress from day to day at this uniform rate, they form aspects to the radical places of the Sun, Midheaven, Moon, and ascendant of the radix. These aspects are called directional aspects and they influence the affairs of the company or the buisness of any Exchange according to several natures.

From this radix or root figure of the heavens a variety of influences are by natural process of celestrial motions indicated. These are found to depend altogether upon the Sun, which is the controlling center of their interactions. The Sun’s mean motion is 59 minutes and eight second per day. The measure of time is one day for a year. Thus the influences arising out of the movement of the bodies in relation to the Sun will influence successive years of the Company, the indications arising in the second day affecting the second year, those forming on the third day influence the third year, and so on continuously.

Here are some more axioms regarding radical and progressed charts:


Progressed planets in transit over the radical places of the SUN, MOON, MIDHEAVEN, AND ASCENDANT OF THE CHART have influence on the course of events according to their natures, and so effect the VALUE OF SECURITIES. In November 1857 there was a considerable panic (financial panic) on the Exchange. Time 65 years 6 months. M.C. progress to Leo 2:34, Asc. in Libra 27. The Asc. is opposed to SATURN and in conjunction with NEPTUNE. VENUS was then in the end of LIBRA (CONJ. NEPTUNE-R) and SATURN was in CANCER in square aspect to VENUS Midmonth in November 1857. URANUS was in transit over M.C. radical.




The ephemeris aspects to the PRIME SIGNIFICATOR WILL DEFINE THE PROBABLE TIME FOR THIS DEPRESSION. At the time of the railway strike in 1890, we find Saturn in transit over the M.C. Progressed in Virgo 5 and in square aspect to Mars, then in Sagittarius 5, and near to square of Neptune in Gemini 6, while Uranus was in transit over Jupiter's place in the radix on the cusp of the third house (Railways). But venus, the Prime Significator, was then in the end of Virgo and not in aspect to any planet in the heavens. The Secondary Significator is Mercury, which rules the last decan of Virgo, where Venus is guest. Now we find Mercury was then in conjunction with Saturn in Virgo 5 and therefore square to Mars and square to Neptune in the heavens at the time. Here are adequate causes for predicting a severe set-back.


Saturn IN CONJUNCTION, OR SQUARE OR OPPOSITION – by transit – to ANY OF THE RADICAL PLACES OF THE GENERAL SIGNIFICATORS, OR TO THEIR PROGRESSED PLACES, WILL CAUSE A SERIES DEPRESSION. In August 1914 Saturn was in Gemini 28 in square to Mars in Virgo 28. The MC. of the chart had progressed to Virgon 28. Mars was therefore in transit over the MC. Progressed and Saturn was in square to it. Mars is here the cause of the excitement and Saturn that of the Depression.

  • URANUS USUALLY BRINGS IN THE GOVERNMENT BROKER AND SHOWS OFFICIAL MANIPULATIONS OF THE MARKET. In good aspect it makes for buying, and in bad aspect for selling. At such times keep one eye on URANUS and the other on the Government Broker.
  • SATURN steadies the market when in good aspect, but greatly depresses it when in evil aspect to the SIGNIFICATORS, RADICAL AND PROGRESSED.
  • JUPITER enhances values by its conjunction or good aspects, and causes heavy selling for profits when in bad aspect. It deflates what it previously had inflated.
  • MARS stimulates the market and in good aspect causes sharp rises and a brisk market, while in evil aspect it causes sharp depressions. Neither are enduring.
  • VENUS in good aspect gives equable values and a steady rise in values but is not enduring. In bad aspect it causes a flat and lifeless market.
  • MERCURY causes rises when in good aspect by `reports' and market talk and makes for brisk but small improvements. In bad aspect it causes quick in and out buying and selling with balance  against values.
on the spot and watching the clock and ticker. For it will be found that the course of the market follows the MERIDIAN TRANSIT of the planets and the aspects formed to them by the other at the time of their transit. Taking the Sun as indicating noon position, it will be seen that some planets precede the Sun and others follow it. Thus at the beginning of August 1914 we have Sun opposition Uranus, on the 2nd of the month, followed by the Sun semi-square Saturn on the 6th. The heaviest point should therefore be on the 4th, or mid-distance between the aspects. On that date Mercury passed over the MERIDIAN 19 degrees, or 1 hour 16 minutes before noon, in opposition at the time to the Moon. About 24 minutes later Nepturne passed the MERIDIAN. Then cam the Sun at Noon in Opposition to Uranus and approaching the semi-square of Saturn. Here we have the big depression. It is followed by the transit of Jupiter over the lower Meridian at 12:28 or 28 minutes after noon. Then there is a lot of selling done. Then comes Mars and Venus, in close conjunction in Virgo 23-24 degrees in sextile to Mercury in Cancer 22, but also coming to the square of Saturn in Gemini. This would be about 3:50 P.M. Local Time, and it then became a pressing question as to Peace or War – Mars or Venus – question that would serve no market any good.

The Complete System.

THE CHART OF ANY PRIVATE COMPANY OR SYNDICATE is to be judged by exactly the same set of indications, and the share values of such company, if offered on the open market, will follow the specific indications belonging to and derived from that chart, subject only to the general indications of the Exchange Chart and the ephemeral transits as already set forth. But each set of indications must be taken account of in THIS ORDER:

  1. PRIMARY INDICATIONS, derived from directions of the Midheaven, etc. for the current year.
  2. TRANSITS OVER THESE PRIMARY POINTS – Sun, Moon, Midheaven, Asc., both radical and progressed, the latter being the more important in relation to the current period.
  3. ASPECTS FORMED TO THE PRIME SIGNIFICATOR in the ephemeris from day to day or from week to week, as the case my be.
All of these, which being duly noted, will form a concatenation or depending series of influences which will inevitably lead to correct estimate of the TREND OF THE MARKET.

Having decided to buy or sell, enter the market WHEN THE MERIDIAN TRANSITS ARE AGREEABLE TO THE CURRENT INDICATIONS FROM WHICH YOUR DECISION WAS MADE. This is the whole business of stock and share trading by chart.

When the Moon becomes the P. S. through the Sun being in the sign Cancer, as happens from Midsummer Day onwards for a month, it is obvious that we cannot trace primary indications from the ephemeral aspects of so fast and variable a body as the Moon, so what is to be done? Experience says, Watch the position and aspect of the ASCENDING NODES of the Moon, which is given for the second and third day continuously throughout the year in any good ephemeris. Merely trace the node as if it were the Moon itself and the rest follows in due sequence.

A few tests of the early July charts will show how this works out. The NODE OF THE EARTH IS ALWAYS THE VERNAL EQUINOX, AND ALWAYS ZERO ARIES. BUT THE NODE OF THE MOON FROM WHICH ITS COURSE BEGINS, IS ONLY IN THE SAME LONGITUDE AFTER A PERIOD OF 19 YEARS. The node thus becomes a very important indicator. At the beginning of August 1914 it was in Pisces 7 and had no aspects. But it was then in the Decan of Saturn, and Saturn had a succession of bad aspects all through the first three weeks of that month, so that Cancerian Charts were under evil aspects at that time.

It will be observed that there is a line of sympathy between the New York and British Charts in that Venus is the common PRIME SIGNIFICATOR. In the New York Chart it is strong in its own sign Taurus and this perhaps accounts for the strong Hibernian affinity. In the British Chart (London) Venus is elevated in the Sign Gemini, which is the ruling sign of the USA as a Republic. Consequently there is much sympathy of action between the two markets, and the coincidence of the midheaven degree is remarkable. It is not inappropriate either that the Moon in the NY Chart should be in the ruling sign of England, its P. S. in the ruling sign of Ireland, and Fortuna in the ruling sign of Scotland.


This is introduced in order to display the influence of ECLIPSES when falling on the places of the significators, either radical or progressed.

On the 12th of March 1914, there was an eclipse of the Moon which fell in Virgo 21. Incidentally, it happened to be in opposition to the ex-Kaiser's radical M. C. in Pisces 21. But what is more pertinent to our present study is the fact that Virgo 21 was the progressed M. C. for the London exchange for the year 1914. Thus 59" 8' daily mean motion of the Sun, multiplied by 113, the years elapsed since 1601, gives 111 deg. 26 min., or 3 signs, 21 degrees, 26 min. This being added to the MC of the radix, Taurus 28, gives Virgo 20 on the MC for 1914.

Now Mars passed over the line of the eclipse in Virgo 20 on the 28-29th of July of that year and war was declared against Serbia by Austria on the 28th. On the 31st a state of war was declared in Germany, who declared war on Russia on the 31st or 1st of August and invaded Luxenbourg on the same date, French territory being invaded on August 2nd. This war and the exact date of it was forseen by "Sepharial" and notified by him in print throughout the country as early as July 1913.

Here we see how the meridian line of the Exchange horoscope, affecting all securities, was bought into line with the eclipse which immediately preceded the Great War, and how both were brought into line with the meridian of the ex-Kaiser's horoscope. These considerations determined the prediction of War and the date was defined by the transit of Mars over this triple combine of Virgo Pisces meridian.

The fiscal troubles which have dominated all British politics arose from the eclipse of the meridian degree for the year 1914, and its effects could be traced right through to 1918, when, as early as  August 1st, 1914, “Sepharial” fixed the end of the war in these words: The war will be Titanic and will last until 1918" --- The Hohenzollerns will bite the dust and gather the DEAD SEA fruit of an inordinate ambition."

When for the last time in the period of 4 years (duration of eclipse) Mars was in transit over the same point, Virgo 20, on March 21st, 1918, Germany launched its last great offensive. America was then well represented at the front and brought new blood into the conflict which was steadily wearing out the reserves of Germany. It was then said: “Hostilities will cease in November of this year.” By adding the increment of mean motion for 4 years (1914-1918) to Virgo 20, we reach Virgo 24, and under this meridian in the latitude of Longon we find Scorpio 29:24 to be rising. This is in 60 degrees aspect to Jupiter, with a following 60 of the Moon in the radix, and this was followed by the 60 of the Sun to the place of Jupiter and the Moon. The ascendant at this time being past the opposition of the Sun and the trouble done and over, while Fortuna had come up to the sextile of the progressed M. C. at the opening of the WAR.

Fiscal troubles began to arise between America and Great Britain in 1928 on the question of War Debts, and had considerable influence on stock and share values. The total eclipse of 19th May 1928 fell on the meridian of the two charts. It will last until 1932, critical dates from the source being November 1929, July 1930 and October-November 1931. (Note: this is exactly the “war” described in the Tunnel Thru the Air by Gann! There is a reason why Sepharial is the most cited author on Gann’s reading list.)

Therefore we have reason to regard the action of eclipses as constituting a major influence upon the VALUE OF SECURITIES.

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