Sunday 14 May 2017

How to Study the Tunnel Thru the Air

The Tunnel Thru the Air, as many serious students of WD Gann would know, is the most important book that the great market forecaster had ever written. Published in 1927, it foretold the crash in 1929, and every turning point in the subsequent bear market until 1932. It did not only specified that the bottom would be in July 1932, but also predicted the number of points of each rally and correction!

The casual reader would see none of the above when they read it, because the information is well hidden in an otherwise ordinary love story. To decode this book, you must understand the coded language with which Gann hid his method. See the videos below:

In order to study this book, one must pay special attention to the dates and events mentioned in the book, along with the page numbers. To begin with, one could write down all the inventions in the book by seeing on which pages they are mentioned, when are the dates, and how they are described. Here is one example with “Marie the Angel of Mercy”, or MAM in short:

234Sep 19280
They intended to start to build a giant airship…
Work was started on the new machine with all secrecy.
It had already been christened “Marie the Angel of Mercy”.
237Dec 19284Robert's great ship was rapidly nearing completion.
The new 12-cylinder motor had been tested.
Estimated to attain a speed of 1000 miles per hour. 
271Apr 19298Walter told Robert to keep his invention a secret;
Until a time of war, when they could use the gas;
On MAM, which travels 1000 miles per hour.
(Total solar eclipse on 9 May, 1929)
2862 Aug 193016Robert’s mind turned to his great plane MAM.
It was secretly stored away in the Adirondack Mountains.
297Sep 193020Robert and Walter decided to keep a secret;
To say nothing about MAM to the officials.
(Total solar eclipse on 21 Oct, 1930)
33715 Oct 193133Walter went to the Adirondack Mountains.
He tested out MAM and brought it to New York.
(Partial solar eclipse on 12 Sep and 11 Oct)
3541 Jan 193235A large 24-cylinder motor was placed in MAM
It was made an invisible airship.
Edna made the first flight in MAM;
Ascended to over 20 miles high;
Anchored it in the air.
3669 Jun 193240Edna believed she knew why MAM was named,
And thought that the sleeping gas should be called:
The God of Mercy.
3759 Jun 193240Robert showed MAM to the US President:
“The fleet which has destroyed and captured
Probably 100,000 of the enemy’s planes.”
39320 Jul 193241The “World Tour” started.
39927 Jul 193241Final attack in Mexico City.
4044 Aug 193241Peace conference held.
41030 Aug 193242Mentioned in the speech.

The list above is only partial, as it is just to show you the idea. Then, the next thing to do is to look into the horoscopes of those days, both  geocentric and heliocentric, to see what was going on in the sky. After that, you observe what was going on in the sky and deduces the planets which are involved in the cycles. Also to pay attention to the page number, as it often offers important clues. This is the way to decode the book.

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