Sunday 7 May 2017

Gann’s Coffee Letter

W. D. Gann is a famous trader and forecaster, who has made a lot of stunning predictions in both the markets and world affairs. However, he is also famous for disguising his method so that no one could understand how he actually does it. In the following rare instance, however, he showed one of his students a large portion of this prediction method.

In this letter on the coffee market, he told his student how he made a forecast in the coffee market using astrological cycles, and more importantly, how he converts price in zodiac degrees so that one will know when time will square with price. It is definitely something you do not want to miss.

To aid your study, here are the charts which are discussed in the letters. They are made with the Swiss Ephemeris. The date used is 1 day later than the date on the letter, as the US market close in the afternoon is closer to 00:00 UT time of the next day.

The high on 19 March 1954 (Geocentric, Tropical):

 Ve 011°

 Me 222°
 Su 358° 

 Ju 078°



 Ur 109°R


 Ma 259° 

 Pl 143°R

 MF 150° 
 CE 155° 

 Mo 183° 
 Ne 204° 

 Sa 218° 


The high on 19 March 1954 (Heliocentric, Tropical):

 Pj 007°
 Ve 026°

 Ju 089°
 Pe 089°



 Ps 291°

 Ur 111° 



 Pl 143° 

 MF 152° 
 Pc 153°
 CE 154° 
 Ea 178° 
 Ne 204° 

 Sa 214° 
 Ma 220°
 Me 226°

Firstly, convert the price in zodiac degrees on the heliocentric chart, using 0° Tropical Aries as 0°:

PriceDividing FactorCalculation
$8,72918729/1 mod 360 = 89 (Pe) 
128729/12 mod 360 = 7.4 (Pj)
308729/30 mod 360 = 291 (Ps)
1008729/100 mod 360 = 153 (Pc)

Secondly, compute the the MF (Mean of Five) and CE (Circle of Eight) Averages:

CEMe, Ve,
Ma, Ju
Sa, Ur
Ne, Pl
(222+11+259+78+218+109+204+143)/8 = 155

(226+26+220+89+214+111+204+143)/8 = 154
(78+218+109+204+143)/5 = 150

(89+214+111+204+143)/5 = 152

After these computations, calculate the angle lines using tge movement of geocentric Saturn and heliocentric Saturn:

Angle from last lows:
DatePriceMths SincePts/mTotal
16 Apr 1931Low 43527630276×30+435=8715
1 Oct 1936Low 30021040210×40+300=8700

Geocentric Zero Angles:
DateSa MovedSa PtScaleAfter Scale
16 Apr 1931285.6°285.6×30=8568×18568
1 Oct 1936241°241×30=7230×1.28676
15 May 1940181.5°181×30=5445×1.58167.5
19 Aug 1940173.38°173.38×30=5201.4×1.57802.1

Heliocentric Zero Angles:
DateSa MovedSa PtScaleAfter Scale
16 Apr 1931281.25°*281.25×30=8617×18617
1 Oct 1936225°241×30=6750×1.28100
15 May 1940179.75°179.75×30=5392.5×1.58088.75
19 Aug 1940176.23°176.23×30=5286.9×1.57930.35
* Exactly where Saturn was on 19 March 1954! Coincidence?

After that, looking for 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 135°, 150°, 180° aspects of the Sun and Jupiter, both in the geocentric and heliocentric charts. For example:

Also, look for Sun and Jupiter ingressions as secondary confirmations. For example, in the example above, Geo Sun (358°) and Helio Jupiter (89°) are near the cusp of their houses.

Second harmonics of geocentric Mars (180°, 360°) mark major turning points.


  1. Hi .. Awesome analysis... This calculation of 8729/100 mod 360 = 153 (Pc) , I didn't understand.

    The dollar value is $ 28,171.00 which equals 11 ° 45 Capricorn
    Here he does 28171/100 = 281.71.
    281.71 = 281 ° 42 ', which equals 11 ° 45 Capricorn

  2. Very nice explanation of the coffee letter. I cannot thank you enough.
    Have a nice day!
