Monday 23 November 2020

Manifesting Incorrectly? STOP! (With Transcript)


Today I want to talk about the tense of manifesting and what tense you need to keep when you’re doing affirmations, when you’re visualizing, when you’re scripting or any other technique of manifesting in order for you to ensure that you're going to get your results. 

There is a correct way to do this. There are infinite incorrect ways to do this, but if you can make sure that you're doing this properly, if you can keep the tense of “I AM” then you will receive everything that you want and I will explain to you my process of how I figured this out, and how you can test this explicitly as well.

The tense of creation is “I AM” and there’s a very specific reason for this, and I’ll explain to you exactly what it means. Our awareness is the Creator of the Universe, that is why we have the capacity to manifest, that is why we have the capacity to create. Just like a dream when we become aware that we can modify, create. We can do whatever we want. Now this world is essentially the same type of simulation as the dream itself but the dreamer is awareness himself which is God in the Scripture, or in other words, “I AM” as stated in Exodus.

So what does this really mean? That means that whenever we become aware of something, we manifest it on the screen of space, but we must completely forget our old self and completely embody the new self in order to manifest it. Maybe you never heard this before, but you are that creative power called your “I AM” or your awareness, but you had zero idea. You deliberately forgot you were that creative power and you manifested yourself in human form and this body is your mask this is who you are aware of being but the awareness behind it is always the same. It's the same being. It’s awareness Himself.

And so, forgetting your old self entirely and becoming aware of being he or she who you want to be, that is exactly how you manifest everything that you want. At first, I did not know this. There’s a ton of different ideas of how to manifest what we want. Some told me to imagine watching myself like on a movie screen, receiving my end result being that rich or happy or married person. So that what was taught to me that I had to like a movie projector watch myself taking actions or receiving my end results. but the result of this was I consistently was watching other individuals receiving my manifestations again. 

I’ll restate that, when I imagined myself in third person point of view like in a movie, receiving my end result being the person that I wanted to be always, in reality probably 85 percent of the time 90 percent of the time I would watch other people receive the manifestations that I wanted. I have countless stories of individuals and I've shared them in the years past of those who are listening to the third person point of view statement and then having other people receive what they want.

Just as I described before, awareness itself is God, and whatever God is aware of—which is our true self—will be replicated or carbon copied outward on the screen of space. This is testable for those of you who may have heard contradictory teachings. Simply look back to your experiences, play back the memories and watch how many times you imagined in third person point of view, and watch how many times another individual received your manifestation. It is because the replication or cast of the imaginal act meaning you’re witnessing a third person, even though it appears to be yourself, this third person is now going to be copied, and you’re going to experience a situation in real life where a third party receives your manifestation.

This was one of the first ways that I learned that third person point of view wasn’t working, but I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I wasn’t sure why. It goes with the idea that when we are vibrationally attracting something toward us like a magnet, it will be brought to us, but given the results of that previous experiment that I tested over and over (because it’s all I knew), it didn’t seem to be true. I knew it wasn't aligning with my experience, so I had to find another way.

Another aspect of how I learned that this was not the correct way was when I would affirm to myself “You are” as if I’m talking to myself, “You are rich, you are rich.” Again, the same thing happened. Other people would enter into my life that would be rich. Now why is that again? Because it doesn’t have to be a visualization but even your inner voice will replicate the reality of it on the screen of space, when you become solely aware of a statement in your mind. It has the same effect as solely being aware of your visualization. So again, a situation will unfold where that exact statement will come out of your mouth, so “You are rich?” Boom! Someone enters my life and then I would be compelled to say “You are rich!” to them.

So, the solution again to this is not saying “You are” but saying “I am.” It has to be “I AM.” That is the name of God. Again, despite what you believe or think or feel, this is what I thought was true. Put it to the test. Analyse your experiences. You will find that a few experiences will still manifest for yourself, but the reason is very scientific, very pragmatic, and it's because either your emotion or belief superseded the sensation of perceiving yourself as a third person, and that was impressed on the subconscious mind, but most times the visual aspect is going to be superseded, that is what will supersede the rest and then that will manifest on the screen of space. 

So far, the idea is being aware of being something yourself, and what will happen is the replication of that thing is casted out in the world, and it will be brought back to the creator of it, which is your awareness. Again, if you put these to the test you will be able to sort through or sift through probably 95% of the nonsense out there, and know specifically what it is within you that is creating reality, and it is your awareness itself. And it’s not drawing things in it, is literally creating them, casting a copy a replica on the screen of space.

Another tense issue that I hear a lot is the idea of “I will receive,” or “I will be rich,” or “I will be married to such and such.” Again, the concept is as such you replicate your awareness on the screen of space the exact likeness of the phrase or the imaginal act, or whatever it is that you're bringing into your awareness. So, if you’re claiming to yourself “I will be,” or if you’re imagining yourself before you have received your end result, you’re going to replicate that exact likeness of that so in the case of “I will.” So, I used to say “I will be this” or “I will be that,” I would imagine that and I would manifest myself in a position where it still hadn’t come. Yes, I would copy the exact image that’s in my imagination which then led me to believe oh my gosh it’s manifesting but it would stop before the end result. So incomplete manifestations come from imagining the middle, or in the case of “I will,” you manifest yourself in a position where you’re going to be saying “I will be this.” That's not the tense that you want. You want “I AM,” already I have, I received, I became. This is the tense that you want to use in order to get what you want.

This ties together with how manifestation works. When you imagine something, whether it’s through your thoughts, visualization or scripting, you impress the subconscious mind with the image or words and then it replicates it outward. When it replicates it, we don’t just teleport to the end. The bridge of incident starts to happen and brings us to the end, but it brings us to the time and space that we thought from the point of view. In other words, if I think from the point of view of someone who is about to receive their manifestation, that and that alone is what will manifest. There’s no guarantee it will go any further than that, and my experience and the thousands of emails that I’ve received from others who have imagined themselves before the end, have experienced their incomplete manifestations. Now the bridge of incidents will perfectly bring you to the place you've imagined but no more. That is critical distinction. When you are imagining think from the point of view as having already received your manifestation, already are the person that you want to be, that will cast an impression on your subconscious mind after the end, which means the bridge of incident will completely bring you to after the end, and so this is why it is so important to keep the proper tense. You must imagine the “I AM.” You must visualise in first person point of view, not third, and you must imagine from yourself.

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