Sunday 13 September 2020

Madeline C. Morris - The Amazing Power Of Solar Kinetics


Today I’m excited to return to Madeleine C. Morris. I’m continuing to do a series of deep dives on books that were written in the 60s and 70s that are out of print, kind of lost, primarily from a publishing house called Parker Publishing, which I’ve tried to track down and kind of have an idea who owns the rights of some of these, but they have just expired. The books are out of print and there are techniques in some of these books that are just fantastic. 

Check out my previous episode on Madeleine C. Morris and the Miracle of Mana Force. Also check out the Mana Force Meditation. Those were created around some of these basic techniques which go back beyond Madeleine C. Morris. She is talking about a kahuna teaching which brings in breath brings in energy and then you can use it to communicate with your higher self.

She also wrote another book that really appeals to me and is just as good if not better. And that is called the Amazing Power of Solar Kinetics. I’m very interested in Solar Kinetics because I have started to form a very unique bond with the sun in general. Of course, we all love the sun, but after reading the law of one material and learning about the logos (Check out my episode on the Logos in the Law of One), you understand that the sun is a living being that most likely created our solar system, or was a big part of it, and continues to be the creative force in our solar system.

And if that's true, we can actually look up and see this creator of our solar system right now. It's a weird thing to change the way you think about the Sun. Is this all-powerful thing? Can we communicate with the Sun? Can we channel the Sun? I even have asked other channelers this and if it was possible. I have personally been finding my meditations to be very powerful when I sit outside in the sun at a certain time of day when the sun's hitting my face in a certain way. It is much more powerful and I know there's something to it.

So how can we use this sun to help us to create our own reality? First of all, understanding that our reality is made up of light and all the densities that we move through are densities of light.  What is the primary source of light in our solar system? It’s the Sun. That's what you're made of. You’re made up of the Sun. Everything around you is made up of the Sun, vibrating at different frequencies. So, if we can tap into the sun, if we can communicate with the sun, we're communicating with a very vocalized aspect of the Creator.

I think she kind of does a pretty good job of talking about this connection with a technique called Solar Kinetics. This book is like those old books is very appealing when you read the book jacket and cover it says the amazing power of Solar Kinetics. At last you can harness two of the most powerful creative forces known to man. One is the centre of our entire planetary system the sun. The other is the limitless power of your own mind. Combine these two dynamic forces and you have the most powerful energy known, called solar kinetics at your command, ready to bring your wildest cravings and desires to you from the cosmic world.

[To be continued.]

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