Sunday 22 September 2019

The Exact Steps of Manifestation


Manifesting is something that is done with and through the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is essentially connected to that infinite all-powerful being, which I choose to call God, which then when accepted by the subconscious mind, when handed off into the awareness, it is then refracted out in a miraculous way that we can never have consciously devised. So the idea then is to impress the subconscious mind, that’s the solution. So how do we do that properly? What’s the most effective way? 

The mainstream has a lot of different ideas how to do this. Some just say to feel good. Some say visualize it in a movie. I say, and Neville Goddard says, that there’s a very much more direct, specific, exact way, and that’s what we’re focused on in this channel. So we outline the end result, because that’s what we want to manifest on the world. And just a little back story on how this works. 

There is the self of man, which is God, and then there’s the manifested itself, which is the ego, the Joseph Allai, the Your-First -And-Last-Name, but beyond that, when we remove this or shut off this ego itself, when we shut off these senses, when we shut off this external world, then we're left with just that, which is aware of being Joseph Allai, but no longer aware of Joseph Allai in this current state. Now whatever we give to that formless imagination, that creation aspect of the world, which is inside of us, which is inside of you and me and everyone around the world, has the self-same exact power because we’re all the same being. This awareness is aware of our experience when we bring forth a scene into that awareness. It refracts it out in carbon copies, exactly the way that we’ve experienced it. It’s replicated outward in our world in our experience, so that we experience it in the exact way that we’ve imagined it. 

So I guess if you wanted to sum that up it’s like a photocopier. It’s like whatever we imagine the exact nature of that will be pushed out, it will be refracted out. As I’ve mentioned before, it’s like a one of those prisms that refracts light, except awareness is refracting out not just light, but people, places, things, experiences, feelings, moods, weather, mountains, landscapes, the whole thing, all experiences, all businesses, every single thing, all relationships. That’s the refracting power because all things exist within awareness, and so it has all power. Even the power of creation comes from awareness, and since we are awareness, that’s our true self, not the egoic self, not this flesh suit. In the Bible it says, “And he was dressed in a robe that was dipped in blood, and his name was called the Word of God.” What it’s basically saying is that awareness or God became us, and so that we have full reign to manifest since we are that as our essential being. 

So, going back to the topic at hand. If we bring forth a proper imaginal act, if we can know exactly how to impress the subconscious mind in an exacting way, in a way that’s predictable and systemized, then we can do it every time and know exactly what to do. If we can get a system, then we can repeat that. That’s what systems are for, that’s what my obsession is. It is creating systems. 

Take the example of getting a job. The idea is first we want to know what we really want. I was just talking with someone before, and I said, “What do you want to do? What’s your ideal job position?” Because she is leaving her job and she wants to know what she wants to do. She said, “I want to be a Director of some company, but I don’t want to be just any Director. I want to be like a higher-up Director.” Before this, she had told me what she was imagining she was a director at some company, but she started listing out the traits of this job position that she seeks. 

And I said, “Well, tell me what you actually want, what do you actually want?” She says, “Well I want to be able to travel. I want to be important. I want to be able to have an impact on the business. I want to be international. I want to communicate with clients. And I want to have an impact on the product itself, from start to finish.” 

And I said, “That is what you want to base your scene on.” You see, putting a name on it by saying a director.” You don’t know which company to be the director of. You can be a director of packing shoelaces, so it’s not necessarily the title that she wanted. And she wanted a lot of money too. So it’s not the name that she was wanting. What she was doing was thinking of a middle to get her those traits. 

Now this is a very important aspect that needs to be addressed, and needs to be said again to understand this. A lot of times we say, okay we know we’re in a lot of trouble financially, and so we’ll say, “OK, I want to be the lead engineer at some company,” or something like that. The problem is that it is a middle. What she really wanted was to be free, to travel, to have an impact, to be important, to feel like what she was doing was mattering, that it was having an effect on the way that she felt positively, so she could feel fulfilled in her life. 

And so once this was brought up, it was like, “Okay that makes perfect sense.” So we take that and we write those traits down. This is so crucial. Do not overlook this, writing it down first. It is essential to write it down to manifest, because the end result comes from the imaginal act, but many times people flounder, and I did this even now. If I’m lazy and don’t feel like writing something down, I will not have an accurate or a clear mindset. When I’m going into the scene so what I want to do. Write down those traits of the exact things that you wish to experience. What do you really want? What is the feeling that you want? What is the objective that you wish to experience? What are the traits of the thing that you think you want? 

For example, if you’re given a title, say you want to be a director, ask yourself why. The thoughts that come up, those are what you’re writing down, because sometimes, and I’ve experienced this myself, I’ve wanted to manifest a specific thing, only to find out that that specific thing sucked. It was terrible. I wanted to get out and run. This happened time and time again. On the other hand, what I’m doing now, being on YouTube is not what I wanted in the first place, but this is all blowing up so fast. It’s a manifestation. I’d not force this. I did not say I want to be a Youtuber. That’s actually the opposite of what I said, so we list the traits. My traits were that I wanted to impact people, I wanted to be free, I wanted to make money, I wanted to be happy and grateful and feel fulfilled. It’s very similar to what she wanted, so you write these traits down. This is what I wrote down.

And then, from there you say, what can be a scene which would imply that this is true? What's the scene? What are you gonna do? What do you want? What would you be doing if this was already true? Now keep in mind I said before. It’s like a photocopier. Whatever you present in your imagination will be carbon-copied outward, which means if you manifest or imagine something superior, big, awesome, great, and you only give the end result, it will be carbon copied out. 

But there’s a gap of time between the time we imagine, and the time this happens. What about all the obstacles in the middle? What about the system, the plan, the directions, the business plan? How am I gonna do this? Who am I gonna contact? That's why we manifest, because the manifestation by taking the screenshot or the photocopy of the end result and it's projected outward. That means that that stuff in the middle must be filled in on the way there, so the infinite intelligence of God, when we give it to awareness, he projects it outward, but everything in the middle is filled out in a perfect manner. 

So we say what would be happening if this were true? In her case, what we came up with was being in China, which is a company that she would like to do business with, wherever she was doing business with, she had been there before. She is talking on the phone and explaining how happy she was about her current state of affairs, like, “I love my job. I love being able to travel. I love making a lot of money. And I love being free. I love having an impact.” And then the person that she was talking to on this phone reiterating it back there, saying, “You sound happy with this job, making a lot of money,” such and so forth. 

Now with me and my case, what I did was: I was on my laptop and I was on vacation somewhere, sitting on like some porch, overlooking some foreign place. I had my laptop and I closed it and I looked to the person to the right of me, and said, “I’m so grateful that it’s Tuesday, and I’m wrapped up with work. All these different things are applied there. The actual, tangible result of something that would imply that you already have it. 

So take that moment, write down the different traits, create a scene if you’re following along, if not, come back to this. Do this, it's so important. This will break everything wide open for you. Create a scene. For her, in China on the phone with someone explaining her gratitude for her current position. For me, it was on vacation closing the laptop saying, “I’m so grateful that I’m wrapped up with work already.” All this implied that I was free, that I had money, that I was able to do whatever I wanted, that I was grateful. And her, the same deal. 

From this point forward is the meat of this video. Once you’ve done that, this is the time to imagine. Imagining itself should be done with a fresh slate with a clean slate with flushing out this reality. The idea is we want to experience there and then now. I want to experience being on the laptop, closing it, talking to the person next to me here and now. She wants to be in China talking on the phone with someone expressing your gratitude for her new job, here and now. And that means we don't want to blend in this current reality with that imaginal reality. We want a clean slate. We want to impress this properly, want to get an actual screenshot of what it would be like if you were there. 

So some of the important steps to doing this is that you must be in first person point of view, because the knower, awareness, God inside of you is the one that manifests and it's coming through your personal experience, so in order to carbon copy you receiving the thing that you wish to experience, you must be doing it in the point of view of yourself, in first person point of view, from the person who’s receiving the manifestation. So that's key number one. You want to be in your own eyes. You want to be from your own self right. You don’t want to be seeing yourself on a movie screen. 

That’s one of the differences between success and failure, because if not then there's a chance, like a 50% chance, that you will get it, or another person will get it, and you'll perceive someone else getting it. So why do i say it’s a 50% chance and not a zero percent chance? Because depending on the way that you use your faculties, there’s a slight chance that you’ll still get it, but there’s more. There’s not even more of a chance but there's a half chance that you won’t get it. But rather with the first person point of view and like I said with my channel, all I talk about is the precise exact way. 

Now just to keep in mind this has gotten me out of poverty. This has gotten me out of addiction. This has got me out of life or death situations. I was in despair, in trouble, curtains were closing, I had given up hope. Manifesting got me from there to here, which is free, self-employed, free from the nine to five, loving friends, fulfilled life, freedom from addiction, all this stuff. So the way that I did this is from testing all these things, so a first person point of view is one of the most essential, crucial fundamentals of manifesting. So I say that all just to say, we want to be specific, we want to be precise. Other things work sometimes, this will work every time. Mainstream says movies, but the success that I’m sure you’ve experienced is hit or miss. This is accurate, systematic, deliberate, laser targeted, every time. 

So, once we’ve the first person point of view and we know the end, those are the two basic fundamentals, we want to give us a clean slate. What we want to do is close our eyes. What that will do automatically just as you’re falling asleep, like the same way the world kind of gets shut out. You’re not really paying attention to your hearing. What you hear externally when you have your eyes closed is a way to put you into a state. It’s a physical, physiological thing when you close your eyes, you have a better opportunity and your mind automatically begins to shut out this external world, which is exactly what we want to do, because we want to remove the concept of ourselves, Joseph Allai’s self, and then remove the concept of this world. Flush it out. Remove the remnants completely, meaning we're not thinking from this person anymore. We’re not thinking about yesterday. We’re not thinking about what we have to do tomorrow. We’re not thinking, “Oh my God, I don’t want to be imagining right now. I need to wake up early.” We want to be thinking nothing from this being, and the way to do that is closing your eyes, laying down if you need to, that’s the way that I do it. Often I sit down in a comfortable place, something that’s comfortable, and if i’m sitting, it actually doesn’t matter from this point, but sitting or laying down, whatever you choose, just do it in a way that you're not going to fall asleep yet.

Once we’ve closed our eyes the idea then is to breathe. Breathe from your gut. That’s the most effective way. Breathing from your diaphragm actually increases your emotional experience, because it increases oxygen and it actually helps with your body all around, but in the context I only care about manifesting. That’s all I care about for the most part. When you breathe through your gut, you can get a better sensation of feeling, which makes it more real, instead of breathing in from your chest, it’s more of a stressful thing. A baby’s breathing is from their gut, from their stomach. Men and women as they get older dealing with stress they breathe in. It’s a stress response. So breathing into your gut, you breathing through your gut. 

Now what we’re doing that is we relax almost instantly when you breathe in through your gut, and take huge breaths. Like I said, there’s more oxygen so you get relaxed much, much quicker and that's just a trick for anxiety altogether. Basically if you feel stressed out or anxious instead of taking big breaths to your chest, take big breaths through your gut. You can practice this. Look it up, it's diaphragmatic breathing. 

So okay we’re breathing in through our gut now. After that we want to clear out the thoughts. We focus on our breathing, but at the same time, we start counting backwards, focusing on our breathing in and out, and it should centre us a bit and allow our mind to not be thinking about other things. We can only be aware of one thing at a time, that’s why we focus on the breathing. We’re not thinking about where we are, here and now. We’re not thinking about tomorrow or yesterday or any of that stuff. Our eyes closed, breathing deeply through our gut, focusing on our breathing and then starting to count backwards from 300. 

If we can do this, we don’t need to hit zero when counting. Just start to count backwards. I choose an outrageously high number because then we're not worried or anxious to hit zero, we don't want to run out of time, so we choose 300. We ain't going to get down from 300 it just is not going to happen. Now whether it takes 10 seconds, 30 seconds, a minute, two minutes, it doesn't matter. Eventually if we can focus on the number, focus on our breathing, have our eyes closed, and be breathing deeply, we should be able to centre ourselves.

Now we may not be able to completely forget the exterior world. We mean we may not be able to completely stop yesterday and tomorrow's thoughts, or now's thoughts, but we want to do this to the most effective point possible. I’m not going to hammer this too much, but what we talk about here is the precise, accurate, best case scenario, the five percent of techniques out there that get 95 percent of the results every time. So that’s counting backward.

Now we’re starting to count, focus on our breathing that in and of itself, are two things to focus on. It has nothing to do with anything of this outside world so we should be centred within a few minutes, even a few seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds. Do not rush this. If you rush this you will be left with remnants of this external world, and what you have to do yesterday and today and the whole thing will be ineffective to a large degree. Can you still manifest with all these things going on? Absolutely, but again like I said the most effective thing, so you get centred, you get prepared, you get relaxed. Actually I hate that word centred. You get relaxed, you get focused on yourself, you’re not thinking about anything else.

Now you begin to bring the scene into your imagination. How do I do this? This is a trick that I have figured out a little while ago. I haven’t shared it with you guys yet, so here you go. The trick is to imagine your hands in front of your face. Why are you doing that? Because we should be looking from our own eyes and looking at our hands will get us into a first person point of view. Now I shouldn’t be seeing myself in my hands. I should only be seeing my hands all the way up to about here, because I’m in first person point of view. I’m looking from the direction of my own eyes in the scene, not as if it’s a movie. There’s a huge critical difference there, so we’re looking now at our hands. This is the way that I used to do it and I still sometimes do this. And then what i'll do is I’ll look down at my feet. I look at my chest, my shorts, my shoes, and that will bring you into a first person point of view. And then you can scan yourself up and down. 

Now at this point your mind may start wandering a little bit. Again this is the point where we calibrate. That’s the first step of the imaginal act is calibrating. That’s what this is called looking at our hands looking at our feet looking at our hands. If the mind wanders, bring it back, recalibrate hands, feet, hands, feet, up and down, up and down. We’re looking at ourselves but from our own vantage point of our own eyes, the focal point of our own eyes. We’re calibrating here. 

If you can do this successfully, brilliant, but here's the trick, here’s the shortcut, here’s the way that I added another overarching layer on top of this. It’s very interesting. I can’t do it on camera, but tying your shoe from a first person point of view. Now you can start out like this looking at your hands and feet but when you have the direction or the objective of tying your shoe, then it does something to the mind because now you're no longer just focused on being on first person point of view, you're actually getting lost within this now. You have an overarching goal, which makes it easier to automatically go into the first person point of view. So I will tie my shoe. I’ll tie my shoe now. 

I want to make something very clear. Here the visuals in imagining oftentimes are unclear. They’re either blurry or dark, but if you know it, if you know that you're doing it, then that is actually effective enough to a degree. Now we’ll talk a little bit more about the most effective way, but you don't need to worry if you can’t actually see something with your imagination, but in the best case scenario you can work yourself up train your imagination to be able to do this, but in effect the shadowy figures, the knowingness of doing this, is what is effective. 

A way to test yourself with this is to do this. Right now, close your eyes, imagine that you’re holding an apple in your left hand, and then it has the letter J on it, for Joseph. So you look at it. It’s a red apple. It’s juicy and you have it there, and it has a J on it for Joseph. So now open your eyes, do you remember what you’ve just imagined? Yes, you saw an apple with a J on it. Can you remember? If yes, then you’ve done it properly. If you can remember holding the apple in your hand with a J on it, then you’ve done it properly. Everyone that I’ve ever met can do this. 

So we’re in the first-person point of view, we’re tying our shoe. What do we do after we calibrate? After we calibrate, that’s when we start to materialize. That’s when we materialize the setting. Now remember if the mind wanders all along this whole time, it’s okay. If the mind wanders a little bit, it’s okay. If some contrary thoughts come in, some weird thoughts, and whatever thoughts, but the point is to keep bringing our mind back. We keep calibrating this whole time, eventually we’ll get to a point where we don't need to calibrate and that'll be later in this process, but we calibrate, we calibrate, we calibrate. 

Now we start to populate the setting. We've outlined the scene for me. I was on the deck. I was staring out over wherever the heck. I was staring at some nature or something, and another person was next to me. I had the laptop on my lap. I closed it and I said, “I’m so grateful that whatever so,” but at this point forth we’re just trying to get the scene into place, so what’s the scene? The scene is the deck, the trees and the laptop on me, myself and the person next to me. That’s what my scene is. That's the setting. At this point forth, now this takes a little while. It may take a little while, depending on how good you are at this, but to make sure that you add this setting into place without it all flying all over the place, or spinning around, or just your mind going somewhere else, this is the point we must calibrate. This whole time we must allow this stuff to materialize while we are calibrated, so we bring this scene forth. We bring the scene forth. If the mind wanders, we bring it back. My monitors bring it back all along this whole process. If the mind wanders we just bring it back gently. Don’t be hard on yourself at this point. We’re not trying to impress right. Now we want to wait to impress when we're calibrated so the materialization of the setting is there if you can get this to stay that's great.

After that, that’s when you want to start animating it. You want to animate it. So in this case, I'll close the laptop. I’ll close the laptop. And I’m looping, I’m looping, I’m looping this whole time. So one thing that I want to and I should have mentioned this before, but the types of scenes that we want to create are three to five seconds long. The reason for this is because we want to be able to loop them with a seamless loop. An example is shaking someone’s hand, it is a seamless loop. You can keep repeating it over and over. Kissing someone is a seamless loop. You can do it over and over. Saying “congratulations,” hearing “congratulations,” you can do that over and over, “Congratulations, congratulations congratulations, congratulations…” 

We want to try to create a seamless loop. If we can’t do a seamless loop, it’s all good. I do this all the time. For instance, like walking into a room. We walk into a room, we’re not gonna walk out of a room, but we walk into the room, we see or we walk on stage, and we see the million people applauding. We can walk on stage, and then once we’re there, cut it. Bring it back, walk on stage, bring it there. So we have the scene materialized the setting, materialized in front of us. Now we’re beginning to animate it, whatever it is. We’re animating it shaking hands, me closing the laptop, closing the laptop, closing the laptop. She’s on the phone, happy, happy, happy, nodding, whatever.

Now we want to add the sensory vividness. We want to, again, take the carbon copy of what we would feel like if we were actually there. In this case, now I am adding, closing the laptop, saying “I’m so grateful that it’s Tuesday, and I’m already done with my work,” or whatever it was that I said. And for her, “I love this job, I love this job, I love that I have all the things that I've ever wanted in a job.” We keep doing this now. We loop it, we loop it. The point of looping it now at this point is that we’re not going for the impression yet. This is not when we're going for the impression, so until this point if people are saying funny things, if bad things are happening, if your mind keeps wandering, if an alien floats in, if you suddenly go to third person, come back it’s all good man. It’s totally cool. From this point forth though what we want to do is keep looping it over and over until it finally becomes a seamless loop of animating effort in your subconscious mind in your imagination, so it goes calibrate, materialize, animate, and then add sensation. We do this over and over and over and over and over again and eventually what happens is it becomes natural. 

We want to keep doing it until it becomes natural, and we want to add sensation, add speech, whatever. If we can keep doing this over and over, eventually the actual side effect will be emotion. You don’t have to force emotion into these scenes. You have to just play the scene over and over. If you’re in it first person, if you really are experiencing this in your imagination, eventually the side effect will be emotion, just like reality. I don’t know what's going to happen when I walk out my front door, but when it happens, the side effect of it is emotion. If someone texts me in five minutes and says to me, “Joseph, I love you. I want you to be my boyfriend.” Right I’m not expecting that, but if that’s what was said, then the emotions will follow. Just in that same likeness as we’re replicating it with the true intent or emulation of reality, we play the scene over and over, and a side effect, a natural side effect of the scene that we're now a part of, that we’re looping, we should develop a side effect of emotion. If we do not experience feelings as a result of being in this scene, then add them yourself manually.

But remember, it doesn’t always mean an intense extreme emotional response. If i'm in China and I’m on the phone, and I’m saying I’m so grateful that I’m here, it doesn’t mean I’m in tears. I didn’t just get the job yesterday, otherwise how could I be in China already? So sometimes the shock wears off. We want to make an actual life like a carbon copy representation of the experience that would unfold if we were actually there. 

If we do this enough, looping that short condensed scene over and over and over, then eventually a lot of times there’s this side effect feeling of satisfaction that unfolds within you. For me, it unfolds right here near underneath the chest. It’s a satisfactory feeling if we can do this and achieve that satisfactory feeling for me. I know it’s done. Now, do I always achieve that feeling? No. If you fall asleep while imagining this, it's done. Even if you just let go and go about your day after, you’ve achieved it. A realistic representation of the experience you would experience. It’s done. 

And so if you can do that on the first day, you will plant the seed. Now sometimes your manifestation will be instant. It depends upon the world without the experience, or the current state of affairs that whatever it is that you want is in. It could be instant. Everything could fall into place immediately. It always comes in a natural way though. From what I’ve experienced, 99% of the times things come in a natural way, which means someone’s gonna reach out about the job, or in my case, someone reached out to me and said, “Can I put one of your blog posts on my YouTube channel?” I said, “Sure, go ahead, but I’m not making a channel.” She said, “Okay, no problem.” But when she recorded the video, she said, “Look out for Joseph’s upcoming YouTube Channel.” So she put me on the spot. It led me to one thing to the next, to the next, then coaching. I said, “Nah, I’m not doing it, bro.” Then people, hundreds of people, reached out to me, and so I felt obliged to do it, and one thing led to another. Everyone in the world will be moved to play their part to get you what you want, but it must come in a natural way, it could be instant. In my case, it was within days where she had reached out to me. In two weeks things were really rolling and the rest is history now. I’m here. This thing is exploding. 

The reason this is exploding so fast, the channel’s growing so fast, is that I really truly attribute to the reason that this is all a manifestation. I did not specify a YouTube Channel. I did not specify coaching. I did not specify any of this stuff. I just allowed for the general specific traits, and then the rest filled in the blanks in a way that hit all of my different skills perfectly, to the point where I have full fulfilment. I love teaching this stuff. I love seeing the results. I love getting testimonies in thousands, and when I say thousands and thousands, I mean it. Literally I’ve manifested more things that I could never fathom. 

Now given we’re always manifesting, but I mean deliberate. See, I keep track of mine which is what I would highly recommend for you. Log and keep track. Eventually you’ll realize that you’ll be able to write stuff down, and it’ll manifest. So for me I write things down, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 things a day, and always keep the tense of “I am,” “I have,” not “I will,” not “I did,” always, “I am.” And so 20, 30, 40 things a day. In nine or ten years I didn’t do it that whole time with the writing down, but do the math, thousands of things, tens of thousands of things, and you could be there too if you do this properly, the direct way. Cut out the mainstream. Go focus on this laser-targeted manifesting. Test it yourself, proving what works, proving what doesn’t work, you’ll be a master. You’ll be an expert. Use this simple formula. Use the simple formula you will get whatever you want.

The one more thing that I mentioned earlier is how to get your imagination to get stronger, how to be able to perceive actually to the extent to which we’re really there, so one of the most common questions that I get is, “Is it okay if I’m just seeing nothing or shadowy figures, but I know that it’s happening?” And I gave you the example of, if you held an apple in your hand with the letter J on it, and you open your eyes, can you remember what you’ve just imagined? If the answer is yes, that’s perfect, that’s fine. 

But if you can begin to push your imagination, to make it stronger, to be able to see more vividly, then you will have a much more effective imaginal act, to the extent to which you will manifest more in a more powerful way, in a more accurate way, in a way in which you will be certain 100% of the time that you have imagined it correctly. The way to do this is to just push your imagination, so imagination should be something practiced and tested and continuously strengthened to the point where you make it brighter and more vivid. 

Now one of the times or what I will actually do is I will think of a scene, whether it’s something that i already know, or something that I have imagined before, but now while I’m doing this, I’m not going for accuracy, I’m not going for something specific. If I want something specific perhaps, I’ll test it out on this, but the risk here is that we’re putting in a lot of effort, but what happens is we can actually go into our imagination, and try to bring something there, something maybe familiar, something that you’re not wondering what details to add, and you just push it. What do I mean by push it? Like use effort use strength continuously try to hold it there, and add more detail, if you can do this, you keep doing this, you don’t let up, if you keep trying to will or force or add more detail or fixate on something, eventually what will happen is you will break through. You’ll break through and you will eventually be able to see the thing that you’re imagining. What do i mean by that? I mean no more dark shadowy figures, no more just knowing that it’s there. You will literally be able to hold the scene in place. 

Now I’ve talked to thousands of people. I have had one person and I’ve talked to a lot of people, people who are really pretty good at manifesting, there are not many people who can do this. Why don't they do this? And the reason I found out is that when I got into manifesting, I pushed really really hard. Later towards the end when i got to Neville Goddard, I realized that my imagination was God, and that if that was true, then if I strengthened my imagination then in theory, this was my idea anyway, then i would be able to have more power, so that’s what I did with the obsessive mind that I have with the brute force, the willpower that I have. 

I sat there and I imagined to the point where eventually one day, I was actually in a room in my imagination like literally there, so what does that mean? That means I could see the walls, that means I could see the floor, that means I could see every doorway, the windows. I still remember this exact place. It was a little room and when I would move my head even in real life, the room would stay fixed, so I would actually be able to look around in this place, it wouldn’t go with me when i moved, like you would think would happen with imagining, but just as a room like this. When I look around, I see the window. I see my desk. I see the camera. I see the lights. I see the door. I see the light. I see the painting. 

But generally when we imagine, when we close our eyes, if we turn our head we're still seeing the same thing the whole time, so say, I was imagining a door right here, if I turn my head I would still see the door right here in the imagination, because imagination will be fixed, but once you break through to this point, once you push your effort, if the door is here, I will be able to turn my head and the door will stay here and I’ll be looking at something completely different. 

Now the imagination is powerful. It’s an emanation of God inside of us, and so creation occurs instantly. Like when I turn my head, I didn’t need to see to realize what was there it was, automatically already there it was created. Once I entered into this scene, so push your imagination, there’re little things you can do, like imagining that you’re in one place, then the next, then the next, but the idea is to force it to use your force, to use your willpower, and this is extreme effort, which is why I don’t suggest doing this when you’re imagining for whatever you want, because we’re supposed to negate effort. It’s supposed to be effortless, but eventually if you can break through, then it will be effortless, and then what you eventually will be able to do is bring the scene that you want into your imagination, and push through. 

It still takes me effort. I don’t always hit this point because sometimes I’m too tired, sometimes I don’t have that much time. It takes effort and time, but experiment, push through, be another person, and I want your results actually from doing this, and testing this another time that’s ideal for this. It is literally beyond exhaustion when I’m beyond exhaustion. Sometimes I’ll close my eyes and I’ll already almost be dreaming while awake, and so that happens often if I’m really really tired. I can do that. I'll close my eyes and I’m already almost dreaming. That's almost like one of the most perfect times to easily enter into this state. Absolutely do that. Try it out. Push it. Test different things and I want your results. Now when I do this, they always come, everything comes no question, 100% of the time. There’s still a time delay, depending on the amount of things that have to move, but it will happen.

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