Saturday 13 January 2018

How to Install Apps in Older iOS

Sometimes, a popular app (like Evernote) has a version compatible with older iOS, but it just does not allow you to download it, unless you have already owned it before. Here is how to get around it.

Step 1: Download iTunes (Business Environment)

The first step is to get an older iTunes which allows you to manage the apps directly from a laptop. If your iTunes does not allow you to manage apps, if you have uninstall it and download an older version.

To start with, you shall uninstall these six programmes:

- Apple Application Support (32-bit)
- Apple Application Support (64-bit)
- Apple Mobile Device Support
- Apple Software Update
- Bonjour
- iTunes

Also delete everything in your Music/iTune folder (if you are using Windows). Then you shall install the older version here.

Step 2: Sync the app that you want to install from iTunes

For example, if you want to install Evernote, then download it in iTunes, and then sync it to the old iPad or iPhone. It will say that it is not compatible so it is not installed. But do not worry. The goal of this step is to “fool” the system that your old iPad or iPhone have already installed it before.

Step 3: Download the app from the Purchased list

Open App Store, go to App. Click on your profile picture, and click Purchased. On the list you shall find the app you have just added, and when you click it, it will ask you if you want to download an older compatible version instead.

Just note that not all apps could be downloaded this way. It must have a previous version that is compatible with the older iOS.

1 comment:

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