Monday 27 August 2018

Manifesting with the Solar Plexus



When you’re trying to manifest, there's one little tip/trick that we can use to help improve our manifesting capabilities. The solar plexus chakra is located on your solar plexus. It’s just a few inches down from your ribcage in the centre. This is the yellow chakra and it corresponds to this 3D existence. It’s the chakra that corresponds with this existence. It's the body that we have activated while we're here it doesn't make it the most important one or anything. It is the one corresponds with this reality and we’re moving into the green heart chakra. That’s why we’re trying to bring more love understanding and compassion into our lives. The yellow chakra is that of the ego and trying to work that off during this lifetime and of polarization the degree to which your service to self-oriented or service to others-orientated and the whole spectrum in between.

We can use the solar plexus chakra to improve our manifesting because it is of this 3D reality. After all, that’s the one that we can channel our energy through in order to manifest better, because we can. I will do all the time create our own reality this is the chakra to do it.

To help you to channel through your solar plexus chakra, we need to have feelings in it. We need to feel through it. So imagine you're on a roller coaster that feeling you get where you suddenly go down and there's a flutter in your tummy, it's that feeling that feeling you get when you're in a car going quite fast and you go over a hill means that flutter in your tummy way of feeling for now that fluttering feeling might remind you of the feelings being excited. Can you imagine that the feeling of being excited and that fluttering feeling in your tummy? It’s also why the term gut feeling happens as well because we get a gut feeling when I intuition is sending us in a certain direction that’s coming from the solar plexus chakra all corresponding with this reality.

The formula I usually give for effective manifestation is three things:

1. Have a belief 
2. Perform a visualization or quick daydream and 
3. Have an emotion behind it

Emotion is really the fuel for your manifesting. Manifesting works because we send a thought out into creation that this is what we are expecting we're believing will happen for our own learning and experience so creation mirrors it in our lives so by having a belief in faith in what we're trying to manifest, performing a quick visualization or quick daydream for a couple of minutes, and really feeling what it would be like to receive life. The ability to serve others better the ability to heal oneself to trying to manifest having emotion behind. It helps imagining how wonderful it would feel in order to have this come into our reality.

Now manifestation is best done with the attitude of excitement as I said earlier. It excites me that we feel. The first thing to do when doing this is to become aware of your solar plexus chakra this is best done during meditation. We draw our attention to the solar plexus chakra. Just imagine it there spinning in radiant light and then we feel the feeling of excitement when we're trying to manifest something. We meditate we visualize that thing we're trying to manifest and we really feel what it would be like to receive that feel the excitement of it. The playful excitement in your creative playful imagination and feel that in your yellow chakra in your tummy there. As you do that the energy is channelling through your solar plexus chakra, increasing your manifesting capabilities right there. 

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