Saturday 7 October 2017

Graphic Issues of Red Alert 2 in Window 10

A lot of people have downloaded the Red Alert 2 & Yuri’s Revenge bundle from Origin. They often find that the Yuri’s Revenge part has some problem with the graphics in Window 10.

If you choose a resolution bigger than 800 times 600, then the screens pressed against the left with black on the right. In addition to the “halved” screens, the screen with the game playing (at normal speed and without lag) is mis-coloured: everything is purple, red, green, and blue pixels like the game cannot decide what colored pixels go where.

Here are the steps to fix it:

1. Download DDWraper from here.
2. Download the zip file and extract "ddraw.dll" and "aqrit.cfg" into your game folder.
3. Open "aqrit.cfg" in Notepad, change the video options to the following:

[Video] AllowHighResModes=yes AllowRAMSidebar=yes VideoBackBuffer=no ScreenWidth=1920 // Your choice of width ScreenHeight=1080 // Your choice of height StretchMovies=yes

After that, save the file, and launch the game again. You will see the resolution adjusted at Screenheight and Screenwidth in the video setings in RA2.ini (or RA2MD.ini for YR).

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