Sunday 22 October 2017

The Power of Affirmations

Scott Adams is the famous creator of comic strip Dilbert, and he is also a great fan of self affirmations. In this following video segment, it is told that Scott has used affirmations to achieve great things in his life, including winning in the stock market, getting into a great university, becoming a successful cartoonist, and writing more than one New York Times bestsellers.

Basically, what he did was to wake up every morning and wrote down his goal dozens of times, and in present tense. For example, at one point he wanted to make money in the stock market, so he wrote, “I, Scott, have made money in the stock market.” And sure enough, one night the name of a big winner came to him, and all he had to do was to buy it.

Saturday 7 October 2017

Graphic Issues of Red Alert 2 in Window 10

A lot of people have downloaded the Red Alert 2 & Yuri’s Revenge bundle from Origin. They often find that the Yuri’s Revenge part has some problem with the graphics in Window 10.

If you choose a resolution bigger than 800 times 600, then the screens pressed against the left with black on the right. In addition to the “halved” screens, the screen with the game playing (at normal speed and without lag) is mis-coloured: everything is purple, red, green, and blue pixels like the game cannot decide what colored pixels go where.

Here are the steps to fix it: