Saturday 28 January 2017

Buy at New High

[The following passage is an excerpt from Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (Lefèvre, 1923), a fictionalised biography of the legendary speculator Jesse Lauriston Livermore (1877-1940).]

When a man makes his play in a commodity market he must not permit himself set opinions. He must have an open mind and flexibility. It is not wise to disregard the message of the tape, no matter what your opinion of crop conditions or of the probable demand may be. I recall how I missed a big play just by trying to anticipate the starting signal. I felt so sure of conditions that I thought it was not necessary to wait for the line of least resistance to define itself. I even thought I might help it arrive, because it looked as if it merely needed a little assistance. 

Saturday 21 January 2017

Seven Primers

Many people want to speculate successfully in the stock market, but most of them do no know where to start. In view of this, the writer decides to share his list of top ten books which are a must-read for all inspiring growth investors or momentum traders. The list is in ascending order of beginner-friendliness so that the first few books are the least technical and easiest for people with no experience to understand.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Learn Python!

The article is for those who have absolutely no experience in programming, but at the same time very much wants to learn the programming language of Python. It covers the basic operations of the codes as well as free online resources for the users to practice and go further into the subject.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Sat Kriya

Sat Kriya is one of most important yoga exercise, if not the most important of all. Some people claim that if one can learn only one yoga posture in his life, then it has to be this one because it contains almost all of the benefits that Kundalini Yoga can bring. One can gain from this exercise in multiple ways. Firstly, it is helpful to rejuvenate the mind while strengthening the body. More importantly, it also helps to awaken the so-called Kundalini energy, which is said to be a life force that is usually hidden dormant at the end of the spine.