Saturday, 27 August 2016

Bullish or Bearish?

Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a famous writer and statistician as well as a former financial trader and hedge fund manager. Many of his books are bestsellers which are praised by well-known figures in the business world (e.g. Gladwell, 2002), and one of them was even picked by the Sunday Times as “one of the best twelve books since the Second World War” (Appleyard, 2009). In the first book, Fooled by Randomness (Taleb, 2005), Taleb shared a story which shaped his entire philosophy of investing.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Investing the Poké Way

The recent virtual reality game Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm. Lots of people, from early twenties to late thirties, are staring at their phone on the streets like zombies in order to catch Pokémon. In addition to the creation of numerous business opportunities, there are a few things that an investor would like to learn from a Pokémon trainer. In the following, the commonalities between catching Pokémon’s and investing in the markets will be explored in details.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Know Your Rules

It is often said that the best traders often have a well-researched system. Famous trading psychologist Brett Steenbarger (2003) wrote, “One unexpected finding from our survey, however, was that a disproportionate number of the successful traders—about half—reported utilising mechanical trading systems.  Of the unsuccessful traders, none were mechanical traders.  When I subsequently interviewed the successful traders, it turned out that even the ones that were not systems traders were basing their trades on patterns that they had carefully researched.  Conversely, almost to a person, the unsuccessful traders lacked such grounding in patterns and research.”

Friday, 5 August 2016

Pseudo Profiles

This post is a collection of online resources which allows you to create fake personal info and network location on the Internet. The purpose of this post is to help system and website developers to perfect their websites or databases. Using such tools for illegal purposes is not encouraged by this article, and the readers are responsible for the consequences of their actions.